01947 601985 Phones Open: 9:00am - 5:30pm
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Talks & Education



As you can probably tell we’re very passionate about Whitby Jet and we love more than anything to share our knowledge far and wide. We’ve worked with the British gemstone for a long time and therefore, have become experts on the subject. Over the years we’ve enjoyed presenting and teaching to a varied audience including schools, universities community events, clubs, conferences and even on TV and film. We've been known to travel across the globe to industry events ready to educate about Whitby Jet. 


Spread the Word 


It is one of our favourite things to do. We feel it is very important to keep the history of Whitby Jet alive educating those completely new to the gemstone and those who already have a little knowledge. It's so good to inspire the next generation so seeing younger faces in the audience is so great. We’re always learning and researching, it’s what’s so amazing about the local stone, there’s so much to find out. Uncovering an antique piece to add to our collection is just the best and allows for us to discover more. Of course, we always bring a selection of our Whitby Jet jewellery with us for everyone to admire and touch to get to know the stone better. 




We include all of our knowledge in our talks that we take on the road. Our presentations look a lot like this:

  • The history of the gemstone from evidence of Whitby Jet’s first carving to the popularity in the Victorian era to the present day. 
  • We explain how Whitby Jet is formed and the beautiful qualities of the stone. 
  • We explore where Whitby Jet is found and lookalikes that confuse many. 
  • How we ethically source our pieces of Whitby Jet and transform them into beautiful pieces of jewellery. 
  • As you know, we’re experts in a variety of British gemstones and those across the globe too. We’re more than happy to share everything we know about Baltic Amber, Derbyshire Blue John and Arizona Turquoise too! 

Any questions are more than welcome from our audience. We love interacting with those interested in one of our favourite gemstones! 


On the Road


Setting up our stand at Shows and Fairs never gets old. We love to showcase our Whitby Jet designs and welcome old and new faces to our stall. It’s such a great way to interact with our customers and for them to get to know the faces behind the brand. Please pop by if you do see our stand, we would love to get to know you. We bring such a large amount of our designs so it’s a great time to try on any pieces you’ve been eyeing up online or in the boutique. 




Get in Touch


Please do get in touch via email, phone or pop in store if you’d like to work together. We can then check our availability and discuss the opportunity in more detail. We enjoy collaborating with new people or returning to see familiar faces. Contact us on 01947 601985 or send us an email on info@whitbyjetstore.co.uk. We’re open Monday - Friday 9am to 6pm or at the weekend 9am to 5:50pm if you are planning to chat in store. 


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