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Admire our contemporary bestseller collection featuring naturally sourced gemstones such as Whitby Jet, Baltic Amber, Derbyshire Blue John and Arizona Turquoise. Beautiful and elegant, our very popular range of sterling silver and gold earrings, bracelets, necklaces and rings are handcrafted using only the finest gemstones. Precision cut, set and polished to perfection, each piece of jewellery truly showcases the uniqueness of each gemstone. Browse our much loved modern designs with many bringing a hint of sparkle to every occasion. From striking minimalistic styles to feminine shimmering pieces and everything in between, our jewellery favourites have something for everyone. We also pride ourselves on working with impressive industry names that compliment our unique designs. Expect to find top selling pieces from well known brands such as Clogau, Thomas Sabo and Swarovski. 

As premier gemstone jewellers, our team of experts can help you find the perfect piece for you or a loved one. Contact our jewellery experts who will happily talk you through our highly sought after designer jewellery in detail as well as our interest free finance options and next day delivery service. 

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Bestsellers Jewellery


Save £247

9ct Yellow Gold Blue John Dinky Square Necklace, P327.

Blue John Necklace

9ct Yellow Gold Blue John Dinky Square Necklace

RRP £495.00 Now £247.50

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Save £372

9ct Yellow Gold Turquoise Upside Down Pear Necklace. P1103.

Turquoise Necklace

9ct Yellow Gold Turquoise Upside Down Pear Necklace

RRP £745.00 Now £372.50

In Stock

Save £59

Sterling Silver Bauxite Upside Down Pear Necklace. P1103.

Bauxite Necklace

Sterling Silver Bauxite Upside Down Pear Necklace

RRP £119.00 Now £59.51

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In Stock

Save £357

9ct Yellow Gold Blue John Upside Down Pear Necklace. P1103.

Blue John Necklace

9ct Yellow Gold Blue John Upside Down Pear Necklace

RRP £715.00 Now £357.50

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In Stock

Save £64

Sterling Silver Bauxite Cushion Shaped Necklace P021

Bauxite Necklace

Sterling Silver Bauxite Cushion Shaped Necklace

RRP £129.00 Now £64.50

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